On March 24th, 2024. WHG has made an other humanitarian assistance to the 30 women and girls responsible for households and 50 destitute children from the most vulnerable families at the Lushagala displaced person site, Goma.

  • The adults were given corn flour, beans, cooking salt, fry, Giv soaps, toothbrushes, hand towels, loincloths, buckets, basins, small basins;
  • To the children we gave pairs of shoes, clothing, soap, etc.

We remain with the activity of technical financial support through training on the management of micro-credits (Village Savings and Loans Associations: VSLA ) and a support in micro-credits for the empowerment of responsible women and young girls households. (Support for income-generating activities);

We call on other people of good will all over the world to accompany us in this task of humanitarian support for the M23 war displaced because there are several camps/displaced people sites here in Goma and where there are multitudes of people. in humanitarian needs.

We say a big thank you to our partner in the USA and all friends for the involvement.