Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela said it. Today we can verify it. Education allows us to better understand the world in which we live.

Scholarships or sponsorships make it possible for bright young minds to stay in school. The funds help cover tuition, books, school supplies, uniforms, and other school-related costs.  By providing a scholarship to an African student, we offer a promise to the student that what they do in school has meaning, and they will have the reinforcement they need. Scholarships allow for future educational planning, and continuous support. When a student receives a scholarship to attend school, s/he is less likely to drop out of school. When a student is offered consistent support, s/he has the confidence to thrive intellectually.

Education is a powerful agent of change, and improves health and livelihoods, contributes to social stability and drives long-term economic growth. Education is also essential to the success of every one of the 17 sustainable development goals.

WHG thanks to its partners support helps partner schools around eastern Congo transform their education systems to ensure that every girl and boy can get the quality education they need to unlock their full potential and contribute to building a better world.

Getting an education is not just a fundamental human right. It is pivotal to increasing employment and income opportunities. It is fundamental to breaking the cycle of poverty. Education is the key to unlocking the golden door of freedom for all in East Congo.  It is the bedrock of social and economic development. Education is crucial as it is an investment in human capital. This yields tremendous benefits at many levels and spheres. It benefits the individual, family, community, and nation. Education is a sustainable means to alleviate poverty and bring lasting change. Consequently, to effect permanent change, any effort to bring lasting change must include education, in one way or the other.

Scholarships or sponsorships make it possible for bright young minds to stay in school. The funds that we got from different people/partners help to cover tuition, books, school supplies, uniforms, and other school-related costs.  By providing a scholarship to an Eastern Congo student, we offer a promise to the student that what they do in school has meaning, and they will have the reinforcement they need. Scholarships allow for future educational planning, and continuous support. When a student receives a scholarship to attend school, s/he is less likely to drop out of school. When a student is offered consistent support, s/he has the confidence to thrive intellectually.

Here are some pictures from we are doing in Masisi to build a better world.